Friday, January 9, 2009

The Two-Hundredth-and-Sixty-Third Day

And this was about the only highlight of our movie-going experience. Perhaps Drew is psychic...?

It was all downhill from here. (Catalyst, you insist to pull me down.)

By the way, anyone remember when it was 1/9/99?


ice cream moon said...

abortion, infidelity, sexism

never good qualities of a movie. however, congrats kate winslette (??) for winning an award for this horrific movie.

we shoulda just stayed home and watched hsm 1,2 and gg and jt aaaaaaand danced more to single ladies

OR we could have watched slumdog millionaire (which ended up winning best picture?!!!!!) uggghhh the irony.

Oh-livia! said...

Why is Drew's neck glowing?