Saturday, January 31, 2009

The Two-Hundredth-and-Eighty-Fifth Day

Four. Apparently.

JustinTimberlakewasbornJanuary31st. 2131.

Friday, January 30, 2009

The Two-Hundredth-and-Eighty-Fourth Day

Leia Monica Dally. Love Actually is all around. (I love airports.)

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Two-Hundredth-and-Eighty-Third Day

Giant snow ball!

This week has been brought to you by that white fluffy stuff I love known as "snow."

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Two-Hundredth-and-Eighty-Second Day

All right. Stop. Collaborate. And listen.

About two seconds before this picture, I was locked inside my gates. By the dang ice! I did everything I could think of in the moment to try to unice those gates. I was unsuccessful. So I had to take out my portable pole vault stick and pole vault myself over the gates to get myself unicelocked. I think on my feet like that.

Anyway, that story isn't about this picture at all. But I know everyone enjoys a good pole vaulting story. And I thought this was cool.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Two-Hundredth-and-Eighty-First Day

I loooove snow!! Even if it keeps me from strolling to work.

Monday, January 26, 2009

The Two-Hundredth-and-Eightieth Day

This balloon was just floating. Mid-air. In the hallway. Sorta freaked me out. Not sure why.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Two-Hundredth-and-Seventy-Ninth Day

I don't know if you knew, but apparently, when you buy one Obama scarf for the birthday girl, you get one free...i.e., I may have sorta, possibly, maybe, inadvertently become a thief today. Completely accidentally.

Happy Birthday, Sarah! Enjoy both those scarves!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Two-Hundredth-and-Seventy-Eighth Day

The birthday bizzoy. If you look close enough, you'll be able to see that he is texting me. Me, who is behind the camera taking this picture, just two feet away from him. I may or may not have been texting him back. He may or may not be one of my favourite people ever.

Friday, January 23, 2009

The Two-Hundredth-and-Seventy-Seventh Day

My mom didn't want to be in the picture. Heheh. I also enjoy the Philly skyline in the background.

I'm still completely amazed (humbled? privileged?) that after almost 35 years of marriage, my parents still do the little things together - like come to pick me up, even well after their (i.e., my mom's) bedtime. That's right, Mom.

Thank you, parents.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Two-Hundredth-and-Seventy-Sixth Day

Arial shot! Of the dinner we ate before we went to see the movie that we should have seen two weeks ago. Delicious. And entertaining. Delicious. And entertaining.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Two-Hundredth-and-Seventy-Fifth Day

I used to see these (so very blunt) packs ALL the time all over the streets of Europe. Yes, Europe. Cos that's how I roll.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Two-Hundredth-and-Seventy-Fourth Day

This picture made me famous. Well, kind of. This is the other view. (As opposed to this.)

Happy Birthday, Chris!

Monday, January 19, 2009

The Two-Hundredth-and-Seventy-Third Day

Olivia and I watched GG together today.

Fifty gazillionty points to the person that can name this episode from this scene.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Two-Hundredth-and-Seventy-Second Day

I really love this picture. But not as much as I loved Tom Hanks' Oscar-worthy speech during the concert. Youtube that.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Two-Hundredth-and-Seventy-First Day


You may think that all of these toilets would be like heaven to me and my small bladder. But, on the contrary, I do not prefer porta potties. Oh no. Ut ut oh.

Friday, January 16, 2009

The Two-Hundredth-and-Seventieth Day

So I'm walking through campus, minding my own business, enjoying the sights and the sounds, when I hear these two girls laughing at something in a corner (perhaps some might liken it to a cave) of campus. So I look over, and I see that they are laughing at this. So I sneak back later and take a picture of it for all my batman-loving friends to see. So. So. So.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Two-Hundredth-and-Sixty-Ninth Day

I ran into this fellow at an appropriate time, I thought. Right before he's not becoming the next president.

Okay okay, this is actually from yesterday.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Two-Hundredth-and-Sixty-Eighth Day

What do you think the record is for most SJU fans at a Gtown vs. Syracuse basketball game, wearing SJU attire, and singing SJU cheers? If it's less than or equal to one, I totally win (and/or tie).

Happy Birthday, Molly!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Monday, January 12, 2009

Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Two-Hundredth-and-Sixty-Fifth Day

Igglesssss. Win. In HD.

Hey, I might not even like football. But I always gots me some Philly pride. No doubt. You would too if your city were as cool as ours. Represent. Word.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Two-Hundredth-and-Sixty-Fourth Day

I banish people to the alcove when they're misbehaving.

Friday, January 9, 2009

The Two-Hundredth-and-Sixty-Third Day

And this was about the only highlight of our movie-going experience. Perhaps Drew is psychic...?

It was all downhill from here. (Catalyst, you insist to pull me down.)

By the way, anyone remember when it was 1/9/99?

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Two-Hundredth-and-Sixty-Second Day

See? These are the things I enjoy documenting. We both finished our burritos. Completely. Just keeping it real. Lisa is obviously very excited about it.

We high-fived and chest-bumped everyone in Chipotle afterwards.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Two-Hundredth-and-Sixty-First Day

Check out what I found today. At Georgetown. Seems SJU helped a brother out.

(I had to give this a few glances at first. Sometimes I forget that I'm not at SJU anymore.)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Two-Hundredth-and-Sixtieth Day


Seriously. She says this just as a huge tour group stops outside of my office. And I'm trying to hide my laughter behind my giant computer screen (mostly unsuccessfully) so as to not allow total strangers to think that Campus Ministry is full of crazy 14-year-olds laughing alone to nothing in her office.

Oh yes, then I naturally pose that question in my gchat status and Joe sends me this. Read it. It'll save you your legs.

The little things in life. Ah, it was a good day.

Monday, January 5, 2009

The Two-Hundredth-and-Fifty-Nineth Day


Lizzie and I became heroes this day. Cos two years ago - January 5, 2007 - was the day that our house gotten broken into. Happy two year!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Two-Hundredth-and-Fifty-Eighth Day

What this picture doesn't show is the dozen people to the right of me...sitting on this unsupported structure. I didn't want to be a creepster and get them in the picture.

Happy Birthday, Lizzie! You are the music in me.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Two-Hundredth-and-Fifty-Seventh Day

What does that sign say up there? Oh right. "No Parking."

Live Free or Die.

Friday, January 2, 2009

The Two-Hundredth-and-Fifty-Sixth Day

Cait actually got this moose herself. She got into her pouncing position and just pounced away. She was tired of just pouncing on rabbits, I guess.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

The Two-Hundredth-and-Fifty-Fifth Day

Okay, I'll just wait til you stop laughing...

...okay, so if you actually are able to take your eyes off of the subject of this picture, to see through your laughter and your tears from laughing so hard and are able to ignore the pain of your stomach muscles from the laughing so hard, you'll actually see that Liv and I are in the background of this picture, looking at pictures by Nicole, who so geniusly took this picture, not me. We look up and Nicole is on the floor with laughter. And this is why.

Sometimes, now, I just think of this picture - randomly - and start laughing.

What an amazing way to bring in 2009. Happy New Year!